You need to follow them up, perpetually. You never get that call back they promised, or they’re always late with their response. When you finally get an email back, it’s wonderfully vague.
It seems that the problem you’re having is always because of someone else – it’s never their responsibility. In the worst cases you are considered to be the problem!
You’re never asked how things are going, or receive suggestions on how to improve. They don’t forward plan. They are reliant on ‘old faithful gear’ which seems to get them out of trouble – until that unexpected server failure which caused you to miss deadline.
They know Windows really, really well and think that means they are perfectly capable of managing your Mac based environment.
Awkwardness much? Especially difficult was that moment when you casually struck up conversation about what you did on the weekend, or your latest Chuck Taylor II purchase.
If symptoms persist, please contact us for a diagnosis.